An ambitious, University based, USDA sponsored research project investigating
the sustainable production and distribution of bioenergy and
bioproducts for the central U.S.

April 15

Toward progress on nutrient management

Nutrient management can reduce water pollution. If done right. Learn how voluntary state-based efforts aided by the EPA are seeking to reduce the impact that agricultural lands can have on the planet and make for healthier waterways. 

Chevrolet and Ducks Unlimited pair up for grasslands

Switchgrass: Better bedding for broilers?
CenUSA releases first-ever decision support tool for switchgrass
What do trucks and ducks have to do with carbon reduction? Plenty. Learn how Chevrolet, Ducks Unlimited and the Climate Trust are creating a new market for carbon credits and paying farmers to conserve working grasslands.

Delaware's Delmarva Peninsula along the eastern seaboard has some of the country's largest poultry processing companies. Bedding for these birds is big business. Read about how switchgrass is measuring up to pine shavings. 
CenUSA Bioenergy's Chad Hart recently launched the first-ever decision support tool designed specifically for switchgrass.. The tool allows farmers to compare costs when producing switchgrass on marginal land. 
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The California carbon offset market: directing the changing landscape

Managing carbon like coffee cups
The California compliance market is the largest carbon offset market in the United States. Currently they only have five protocols for carbon offsets. Could biomass crops like switchgrass become an addition to this thriving marketplace?

A column by Dr. Robert Brown, reknown scientist and CenUSA co-project director, was printed recently in The Hill, a top U.S. political daily newspaper. The Hill covers the work of Congress and features congressional decisions on business and American culture.