An ambitious, University based, USDA sponsored research project investigating
the sustainable production and distribution of bioenergy and
bioproducts for the central U.S.

June 15

Greening Airports - Iowa Airport to Plant Prairie Grasses to Improve Water Quality 

CenUSA's vision of more perennial grasses on the agricultural landscape has a new green twist - airports. The Eastern Iowa Airport, one of the largest landowners in Linn County hopes to improve water quality by planting perennial prairie STRIPS and miscanthus.

CenUSA Summer Internship Program: Proving Ground For Future Scientists 

Bioenergy and the Great State of Nebraska
University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners Win International Award
The internship program is designed to expose students to solving scientific puzzles and learning real world research skills. Hopefully the experience will be fun and inspire them to pursue their own graduate degrees one day.
Discover two upcoming events in Nebraska uniting the community to celebrate agriculture. Learn more about our booths promoting research on biofuels and biomass. Discover our demonstration plots, and learn more about the team behind them.
The University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners of Anoka County have spent the last four years researching biochar for CenUSA and will be honored for their efforts during the International Master Gardener conference this September in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
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CenUSA's Youth Program at Purdue - Growing a Brighter Future

Commercial Corner: LaVon Schiltz - Building Biorenewables
Check out what our education team is doing at Purdue University to promote youth education in renewable energy. By partnering with FFA, they are creating unique - and interactive - opportunities for students outside of the classroom. 

Meet economic development leader and CenUSA Advisory Board member LaVon Schiltz, Executive Director of the Nevada (Iowa) Economic Development Council. She has spent her career putting deals together, most recently DuPont's $240 million cellulosic ethanol plant.