An ambitious, University based, USDA sponsored research project investigating
the sustainable production and distribution of bioenergy and
bioproducts for the central U.S.

Mar 16

Energy Company Total Makes Investment in Renmatix

Renmatix, at the forefront of renewable bioscience, has recently entered a joint development agreement with the New Energies Division of French multi-national Total, one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world.

Second Generation Biofuels Reduce Emissions

Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants

Cultivating Higher Yielding Scientists
Agricultural Magic? New analysis on the impacts of converting corn grown on marginal land to perennial grasses shows "staggering" results, changing the agricultural Midwest from a net source of GHG's to a net sink.Damaged soil can lead to lackluster crops. Biochar is a soil amendment created from the pyrolysis of biomass that has shown its potential to repair soil, leading to healthier crops.
Educating young scientists is a top priority for CenUSA. Forty percent of our interns have continued their research into graduate programs across the country. Read more about one of these graduates.
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The RFS: What's the Real Impact to Food and Fuel Prices? 
CenUSA Bioenergy to Launch MOOC 
What's the economic impact of the RFS? According to Bruce Babcock, Professor of Economics at Iowa State University, it hasn't had much impact on US food prices while reducing fuel prices slightly.

MOOC with us! To expand the impact and reach of CenUSA education and extension materials, CenUSA collaborators are preparing to launch its first online course. It's free and open to the public.